
Budgeting for your Debit Consolidation Program

The willingness to change your lifestyle and spending habits is vital before getting a debit consolidation loan, but it’s not something you should fear. You have to understand that you can’t continue to live as you are anyway, so it either has to come to a controlled ending or crash and burn a little farther down the line. I’m going to move forward with this series of articles assuming that you’ve made the right choice, and are dedicated to living within your means.
Now that the switch is flipped and you’re no longer buying everything you see, you need to take a deep breath, sit down, and take stock of everything that you owe, what your minimum monthly payments are, and what your monthly bills add up to. This is important, because it gives you the minimum amount of income that you need to meet your minimum monthly payments and your essential services like utilities, rent, gas, and so on. It will also eventually tell you the size of thedebit consolidation loan that you need. Some things, though, are not all that easy to budget for. Your utility bill fan fluctuate drastically from season to season, with your electric bill going down and you gas bill going up in the winter.
All I can say is, you need to take your best guess at it. Obviously budgeting for gas isn’t an exact science, as gas prices fluctuate wildly as can the number of miles that you drive in a week. But, if you really hold your feet to the fire, look at your past payments, and figure out a good average, you’ll be in good shape. Obviously your gas budget will tell you whether or not you can take a road trip down the coast or not this weekend and big things like that, but there needs to be some flexibility to meet higher than expected demand in different areas.